Make It Easy To Buy From Your Site So, how do you make it easier for your visitors and prospective customers to buy from your site? Convincing your visitors to purchase from you is a hard enough job, but, have you ever thought that you’re making...
Keep Visitors Coming Back to your website Many successful websites depend on returning visitors to account for a major part of their traffic. Returning visitors are easier to convert into paying customers because the more often they return to a site, the more...
Facebook – stop videos playing automatically on Facebook feed Has your facebook feed become really slow while scrolling due to the high amount of videos being posted lately? I know mine has – It’s great to see all these videos but...
WannaCry – Protect yourself from WannaCry attacks WannaCry ransomware is a very nasty virus that has been in the news recently. As with most ramsomware once your files become infected they will be encrypted, the only way to recover them is to pay a bitcoin...
Business Website – The importance of having a good business website A business website is basically the face of your business, and it is important that this face is captivating; which means it should capture the visitor’s attention, has a...
WordPress Benefits Whether you have a business website or a personal one, you’ll probably have heard of WordPress – that’s because it is the powerhouse that carries around 24% of all blog content on the internet. So what makes WordPress so popular? There are...