Why And How To Optimize Your Website Images

by | Dec 10, 2019 | Divi Theme, Web Design, Wordpress

Why And How To Optimize Your Website Images. Optimizing your website images is an important factor to take into account. Although internet speeds have increased fantastically in the last few years file size and load time are things to consider when building your site. If your site has a slow loading time, then you will be penalized slightly by the Google search engine and other search engines. Reducing the file size of your images can help you out here. Of course another thing to consider is that if your site is loading slowly on someone’s device, chances are they’ll move on to a different site before your site even loads.

It’s great to have full screen images on your website, they look awesome and I really eye-catching to visitors. High resolution images are available freely from many sources including places like unsplash.com and pexels.com to name a few. The images that you can download from these sites can sometimes be very large in file size. Although you can upload these to your website and they will load, they will most suddenly slow your sights load time down. In most scenarios this wouldn’t happen due to the high speed internet that we have nowadays. Unfortunately in many cases it will, if your site is slow to load most people we’ll move on to another site that loads quicker.

I personally use Photoshop to edit my photos, and I usually like to try and get them below one megabyte in size. I realize that photoshop is an expensive program and not everyone can afford it. There are plenty of other free or more affordable options out there so doing the same job as Photoshop, one that comes to mind that that a lot of people mention he’s called gimp.

It only takes a few seconds to optimize and image once you get used to a system, so it is not going to add much time to your website build, however, you will be doing yourself a big favor in the long run if you optimize your images and of course your website will run a lot faster and smoother.

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