Savvy tips to choose a website theme according to latest trends

by | Mar 4, 2020 | Web Design, Wordpress

Savvy tips to choose a website theme according to latest trends. There is no doubt that having multiple options to choose from helps you make better decisions. If there was lack of alternatives, you will just have to select what is available. Even at that, having alternatives also comes with its own headache. If you do not have proper and adequate information, you may end up making wrong choices. Issues that relate to website development are not such that give room for error. While things like woocommerce coupon or woocomerce mix and match or other necessary plugins are very important, you need to get the basics right.

Everything has its own basics. For buildings, it is the foundation. For websites, it is the theme or template. Templates are already-made website samples that you can edit to suit your website. Content management systems provide these themes or templates. With reference to my point on choice, there are many content management systems and they all have tons of website themes available. If the excessive alternative is not enough, they steadily roll out new themes based on trends. In cases like this, it is easy to get lost in the whirlwind of too many choices. I am here to help you by providing savvy tips to choose a website theme according to latest trends.

Consider all necessary features

This is the first thing to do when choosing a theme for your website. Have a list of what you want your website to have. Match them against the theme you are considering. It should have 70% of the basic things you want. You can work on the remaining 30%. You should consider the content width, homepage and landing page layout, navigation and search button layout, the suitability of that theme with necessary plugins and web hosts. However, you should try to be realistic when composing your list. You are working with an already-made theme not designing a new one.

Stick to simplicity

We all want and love shiny things. I am afraid that will not exactly work when choosing a theme. While flamboyancy is something you cherish elsewhere, it is usually dead weight when it comes to web design. Here, we like to keep things simple. Liken your website to come car and its extra features to luggage. It is not rocket science that a car will have difficulty moving when it is carrying excess luggage. The same goes for your websites and its content. You should try as much as possible to keep things on a minimal. Do not install multiple plugins to serve the same purpose. Allow “white spaces” on your website. Do not cover everywhere with color, design or any other form of content.

Pick performance over every other thing

This is more of a continuation of my previous point than a new one. The idea of simplicity is to ensure optimum performance. No web user will wait for too long for a website to finish loading. They will quickly use the back button within seconds. While picking a theme, ensure that it is a responsive theme not one that already comes with problems.

Layouts and colors are very important

So far, my points are looking and sounding so “anti-design’. Kindly do not interpret them as such. I am not anti-design. I am actually a fan of “good design”. This is why I am telling you to consider the color and layout of your theme before you choose it. Bright colors are usually best for websites and blogs that relate to fashion and lifestyle. The same goes for certain layouts. Layouts that create room for or emphasizes images are also good for fashion related blogs and websites. When it comes to business, it is best you keep the color and layout quiet. This way, the pictures promote instead of overshadowing the written content. It is important to optimize media files (pictures, animations, GIFs and videos) before uploading them in all cases. This is necessary to avoid website lag.

Always read reviews

At one extreme, you have content management systems exaggerating their products and services. At the other extreme, you have consumers or customers downplaying these same products and services. The place you will most likely find the truth is in the middle (third party reviews). These reviews are usually from individuals who have used these products or services. There are usually provisions from product reviews. You can always access them before you choose a theme. There are also third party review websites that you can also consult.

Most importantly, trends are only useful if they are relative. It will be useless to jump on a trend when it does not relate to the purpose of your website. Doing this will make you look desperate or unprofessional or both.

Savvy tips to choose a website theme according to latest trends

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Junaid Ali Qureshi

Junaid Ali Qureshi

Post: 9 WordPress plugins you must install in your ecommerce website in 2020,

Junaid Ali Qureshi is an ecommerce entrepreneur with a passion for emerging tech marketing and ecommerce development. Some of his current ventures include Progos Tech (an Woocommerce mix and match), , Titan Tech and Smart Marketing . 

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