Google webmaster tools guide add a website to webmaster tools
Google webmaster tools guide – add a website to webmaster tools. Adding your website to Google webmaster tools is a great idea. Google webmaster tools gives you so much information that can be really useful about your site. It can give you tips on how to improve your HTML and your structured data. It also has some fantastic search traffic details that can give you a wealth of information , including search analytics, links to your site, this is really important if you are link building, and want to know what links are working for you to help you rank higher in the search engines. It can show you your internal links as well as International targeting, so you can see where in the world your site is reaching, this is really useful, especially if you are selling products or services. Another great feature is the ability to check mobile usability. This great feature will allow you to see if there’s any problems with your site displaying on mobile devices. Of course, today just about everyone uses mobile devices to browse the web, I know that I certainly do! So it is tremendously important to make sure that your website is mobile-friendly. Thanks to Google webmaster this is a relatively easy process, and it provides you with all the information you need to correct any issues on mobile devices. Of course Google webmaster tools also lets you check your index status on Google, so you can make sure that it is continually being indexed every time you update information on your site. Another important feature is the ability to upload your site map and robots.txt and make sure that they have no errors. Again if they do it will let you know, so that you can correct them easily.
Google webmaster tools will also enable you to request them to crawl your site and make sure that your site has no crawl errors.
If you are unfortunate enough to get hacked, or to get malicious content on your site, Google webmaster tools will notify you via your Gmail account. Not only will it notify you, it will also give you all the information that you need to be able to resolve the issue. I have had this happen on a couple of sites in the past, and although it is frustrating, Google webmaster tools made it very easy and was very helpful in the repair process.
Although Google webmaster tools has all these amazing features, sometimes people can get a little confused about adding their site to it. It’s a fairly straightforward process, you just need to follow along with the instructions and upload a supplied file to your website, wherever it is hosted. This can be done very easily with a free FTP client such as filezilla. So follow along with this video and see how easy it actually is to add a site to your Google webmaster tools control panel.
You can download the filezilla free FTP client from here: Get FILEZILLA
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