Divi Brain Addons Free Divi Plugin Overview. Welcome to another Divi video. This is Jamie from system 22 and web-design-and-tech-tips.com – Well we’re going to be looking at a new plug-in today, and it’s absolutely free. It’s called brain add-ons for Divi. They do have a paid version, but we’re working with the free version. You can download it from here. I’ll put this link below the video. You get 23 modules with this, and there’s some great ones there as you can see. There’s dividers and teams, and icon boxes, and logo carousels, and post lists testimonials. I put together this little page just to test things out. Of course, up the top here we’ve got the brain news ticker, that ticks across the screen. When you hover over it’ll stop, you can click on it. These are actually titles of your blog posts. It’ll take you to whatever post you want to go to, and that is pretty cool!
Next up we’ve got this great mask divider. You don’t have to have it full page like I have. You could have it any way you want, and it allows you to put in a section. You can use an icon if you want, or you can use this mask text and put any image behind your text. That’s a nice little touch too.
Next, we’ve got these dual buttons. Instead of adding two individual buttons, there’s two, side by side for you to use there. That’s always a useful little feature.
Next up we have got these, what they call, the brain cards. That’ll pop out into a light box as well. In the little image we’ve got a little label at the top. Here you can add more information. Below, of course, there is a call to action button, and they’re pretty good looking.
Next, I’ve got a scrolling image which is great. I’ve got an image of a website here. It’s got that animated icon on it and when you hover over it. it scrolls to the bottom of the image. That’s a nice little effect.
Underneath, I’ve seen a lot of these recently on sites. These little comparison before/after images. You just hover on it and left click, and pull it right or left to reveal whichever image you want.
We’ve also got an image carousel. I’ve chosen to do it vertically on this particular one today. That’s a nice little feature too. You’ve got some nice little stat counter bars, or skill bars. Below that we’ve got some interesting numbers. They’re some nicely styled numbers there, that work very well if you want to label or number things, or just get some numbers out there.
Here’s one of my favorites, it’s a person module. But you can use it like a hover box. We’ve got the image of a lady there. Hover over it, it’s going to scroll up and give you some information, and we’ve got all kind of links you can put in: Their website, email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. LinkedIn and the same for these. You’ve got different animations for it. Although this is called a person module, you could actually use it for any kind of pop-up you want to use. Whatever image you want; image of a recipe if you wanted to put the recipe there, and link to it. There’s a nice little feature!
Just down below that we’ve got our little review, or testimonial. Here we’ve got some icon boxes and again, they’re nice little info boxes. You can use some of the various different elegant icons popping up there. to
Down below there we’ve got some info boxes. I’ve actually used these for videos, and obviously you click on it and the video starts playing. That’s quite a nice idea. I might end up using these on my blog. You can also have a little go to channel button, or whatever you like, for your call to action at the bottom of those.
There are some really nice little features there. Like I say, we’ll be going over a few of these in builds in future videos. I’ll put this link below the video. This is absolutely free; I’m just using the free version with this today. So, there you go brain add-ons for the Divi builder. Check it out, I think you’ll enjoy it.
Divi Brain Addons Free Divi Plugin Overview. I hope you’ve enjoyed this today if you have please give it a thumbs up, comment, share and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Once again this has been Jamie from system 22 and web-design-and-tech-tips.com
Thanks for watching have a great day
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