Complete ecommerce WordPress website build with Elementor free. Follow along with our video as we create a complete e-commerce WordPress website with the Fantastic Elementor free plugin. We are going to be using the free WordPress 2020 theme along with the Elementor free plugin to create this site.
We start off with a fresh install of WordPress, with the included 20/20 theme activated. After this is done the next step is to install the Elementor free plugin. Simply go to your plugins, hit the add new button, and that type Elementor into the search field. It will appear below, hit the install button and then activate.
That is all the basic setup taking care of. The next step is to install the woocommerce plugin, this is also free, and it is probably the best known and most widely used ecommerce plugin. Once installed and activated we will take you through all the steps of configuring woocommerce to sell products on the site. We will be creating both simple products and variable products. A variable product has different options that can be selected by the visitor that determine the price that is shown.
Once we have set up our products for sale, we can to move on to building the actual site. During this build we will be creating many different sections such as; full width sliders, product sale sections, sales stat sections and many more.
We will also be creating custom pages for our site, not only for the products, but we will also be creating a custom privacy policy page, a custom shop page and a contact page with a full width live Google Map.
Once all the steps are complete you will have a fully functioning e-commerce site that is ready to start selling products from. It is a lot easier than you may think, so, I hope you enjoy a video of how to build a complete ecommerce WordPress website using the Elementor free plugin. Start selling today!
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