Backup And Migrate WordPress Sites With WPvivid Plugin

by | Feb 13, 2020 | Web Design, Wordpress

Backup and migrate WordPress sites with WPVivid plugin. In this post we are going to demonstrate how easy it is to backup and migrate a WordPress site using the free WPVivid plugin. To start today’s example, we have a WordPress site that is complete, and we also have a WordPress site that is just a brand-new WordPress install with no extra content added. The first task is going to be backing up the original site so that we can move it to all new WordPress install in a different location. Using the message that we are using today you can back up from a local machine to an online server or from one domain to another domain. The completed WordPress site that we are working on today already has the WPVivid plugin installed. To install the plug-in on your site, navigate to your dashboard and then down to plugins. Click the ‘add new’ button at the top all of the plugins page, then, in the search box that appears slightly below and to the right, type WPVivid, the WPVivid plugin should now appear at the top of your search results as shown in the image. Click only install button, then when installed, click on the activate button. You now have the WPVivid plugin installed.

Take a look at the WPVivid plugin page on your site and select the settings that will best work for you. For me, I chose to backup the database and the website files. When you have selected your options, click the ‘Backup Now’ button. The site we are working on today is fairly small, less than 100 megabytes, so the backup process will only take a few minutes if that! What’s the backup process is complete, you will see your backup up here at the bottom of the page. Now this is done we can move on to the next step oh exporting the backup and importing it into our new site.

To export the backup we just need to click on the download link next to the backup but we just created. This will download a copy of the backup to your default download location. Now we have a backup of the original site, let’s go to the new fresh WordPress install site and begin the restore process. The first thing that we will need to do on our new site, is to install the WPVivid plugin as we did on the other site. Again go to the dashboard of the new site, to the plugins page and search and install the plugin.

Now that the plug-in has been installed onto the new site, navigate to the plug-in page again. At the bottom of the page you will see two tabs, click on the upload tab I’m dragged the backup file that we download it into the panel. When the file has finished uploading it will appear at the bottom in the backup list. On the right-hand side of the backup you will see a restore button or link, simply click on this to stop the website restore. Again, as this is a small site this process will only take a couple of minutes, you will see the progress as it happens.

Once complete visit your site, refresh the browser, and you should have a complete clone of the original site in your new location. To log into your new site, use the credentials that you use to login to your original site. That is how easy it is to backup and migrate WordPress sites with WPVivid plugin. I have found it to be one of the most reliable backup tools out there and use it on most of my customers sites.

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